Book Reviews Reviews

Book review: DK Findout! Pirates

Written by ceditor

Have you ever wondered whet­her pirates existed or were only a myth? If they did exist, were they as funny as Captain Hook in Disney cartoons, and if yes, then how did they get the job done?

See pirates come to life in Pirates, the new book in the DK Findout! Series and find everything out about them with the help of quizzes, annotations, illustrations and photography that will make you a believer.

Written by E.T. Fox, this book first helps humanise pirates and then takes you on a ride into the past, which will make you realise that they have roamed the planet ever since ships became business vessels. If you learn that an Egyptian pharaoh defeated pirates in 1175 BCE, English royal troops captured Lundy Island from them in 1217 AD, and that Anne Bonny and Mary Read were part of a pirate crew in 1720 AD, then thank the author for presenting the facts in an easy-to-understand manner.

Laced with countless facts and information that you usually don’t find in books related to pirates, the book tells us the difference between buccaneer, privateer, and river pirate, breaks myths like buried treasure (there is no such thing!), and explains to the readers that had it not been for successful novels Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe, the legend of pirates might not have survived this long.

After going through this book, you will find out that renowned pirate Blackbeard’s crew had more than 400 pirates in it, and that before they stole gold or jewels, pirates had to resolve to whatever they could get their hands on, including spices or sugar! From the history of pirates to how they lived, dressed, fought and what they ate or drank, everything can be found in these pages, which will keep you busy for a few days.

If you don’t know the difference between a quartermaster and a captain, or have issues understanding the significance of a pirate flag, then this book is the one-stop solution for you. Not only does it improve your information regarding pirates and their weapons, but it also features a make-believe interview with a legendary pirate who justifies his being a pirate.

The glossary at the end of the book would also help young readers bunderstand the many difficult words that were used in these pages, making you a pirate literate once you put down the book. Arrrrr!

Omair Alavi – Dawn, YoungWorld

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