Irresistible dogfights, ‘mission impossible’ feel, and an ageless Tom Cruise ‘take my breath away’...
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‘Carma’ promises thrilling ride
At a time when most films in Pakistan revolve around romantic comedies, the trailer of Kashan...
The Bad Guys
Every now and then, there comes an animated flick that makes you want to watch all animated flicks...
Theatre maestro Zia Mohyeddin honored with a feature documentary!
Artists especially theatre artists in Pakistan will remain indebted to Zia Mohyeddin, the theatre...
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
In the 1990s, Nicholas Cage was amongst the most popular actors in the world; from Face/Off to Gone...
Aim for the Heart – The Films of Clint Eastwood
He may look older than a few but Hollywood veteran Clint Eastwood doesn’t show any signs of slowing...