Book Reviews Reviews

Book review: Hello World! Solar System

Written by ceditor

Do you know that out of the nine planets in our Solar System, one rotates on its side, another has rings that go round and round whereas one is smaller than another planet’s moon? If you didn’t know that, then you must get your hands on the book Hello World! Solar System, which takes you on a journey through the Solar System.

Written by Jill McDonald, the book is aimed at young ones who aren’t fluent in reading, but that doesn’t mean that it has nothing for kids who can read. After all, the information mentioned in the previous paragraph came from this book, which lets the reader explore the Solar System without leaving their reading chair.

The fun and easy board book has been designed in such a way that every planet in the Solar System gets its page, where related information is presented beautifully.

The description is also worth your while, since sometimes it talks about the colours, and shapes of these planets, and on other occasions discusses their sizes and oddities. After all, Uranus’s rotation on its side is something that everyone must know and the same can be said of the fact that Mars’ giant volcanoes are the reason behind it being referred to as the ‘red planet’.

Not only does this book explains the Solar System to children in clear and easy terms, but it also takes the help of bright and cheerful illustrations to make the point.

The text is written in the same colour as the planet on the page, making it both eye-catching and relatable at the same time. Be it the windy nature of Neptune or the small size of Pluto, every planet gets its due, making this book one of the best ways to make young minds get accustomed to the planets.

The book goes beyond the planets and includes stars and comets as well, giving the readers a complete overview of the Solar System, in the simplest of ways. Not only does it bring science and nature closer to young minds, it lets them understand that discovering your surroundings can be fun and informative at the same time. Bon voyage!

Omair Alavi – Dawn, Young World

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