Synopsis Shoulder: The best time to know about Video Games is when one of their own is in running...
Latest Stories
Synopsis In that book, Fakhre Alam discusses his biggest achievement to date, becoming the first...
Review: The Lost City
Synopsis Sandra Bullock – Channing Tatum starrer might not be a classic treasure-hunting caper, but...
Movie Review: Ambulance
Synopsis Michael Bay’s latest film is in need of an ambulance, to transport itself away from the...
‘Death on the Nile’ is now available to watch on Hulu, HBO Max...
If your head can handle anything other than Will Smith hitting Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars, you...
Book Review: Will
Synopsis Will Smith talks about his life, his entry into showbiz, and how he became the prince of a...
Nothing can match growing up in the Haseena Moin era
It has been one year since the legendary playwright Haseena Moin left her fans saddened with her...
Batman – Character Encyclopedia
Synopsis Read about the Caped Crusader, his friends, and foes while The Batman is in cinemas...
Men behind ‘The Batman’
Synopsis Here is an exclusive interview with the makers of The Batman Karachi: Hollywood’s latest...